All About You
The best thing to help with weight loss, healthier living, and a happier you is taking time for yourself, eat right, and give your body time to rest and heal.
It is always best to eat a healthy breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. Most people have been mislead through-out the years that eating less food will make you lose weight. But, to help maintain or to even lose weight you need to eat. I know it sounds funny, but it is true. A workout schedule will also help with your weight loss goals. We would recommend eating at least 1 hours previous to working out, so no cramping will occur. When working out make sure you are not over working the same muscles and adding strain to your body. Have plenty of water to keep your body from becoming dehydrated. After your workout eat a healthy snack or a light lunch, your body will need the fuel. Then, I would recommend taking a break and relax. This will give your muscles time to grow. At the end of the day give yourself a full eight hours of sleep. The sleep will give your body and muscles time to heal and recover for the next day.